Om Om Om Om Om Om
Om in the Bhagavad Gita.
Om is widely mentioned in the Bhagavad Gita where the mantra Om is an essential part of its teachings and practice.
Krishna tells Arjuna (verse 7.8) :
‘O Arjuna, I am the taste of pure water, and the light of the moon and the sun. I am the essential nature of the mantra Om mentioned in the holy scriptures, the sound in ether, as well as the courage and virility of human beings.’
Krishna, who symbolizes underlying intelligence or consciousness, is the essence of Om. Om, as sound vibration, is an expression of this underlying Consciousness. Therefore, by practising Mantra or Gyana Yoga (or even Bhakti Yoga ) we can trace Om back to its source. In this way, we are enabled to realize the nature of consciousness. Krishna talks of death and the importance of chanting Om at the time of death (verse 8.13) :
‘The mantra Om symbolises Reality. At the time of death, repeat Om and you will go forth from the body and attain the Supreme Goal.’
From the Yogic viewpoint, death is not just the time of disintegration of the physical body, but also a golden opportunity of directly realizing our immortal essence. Chanting Om at the point of death can be a valuable part of this process.
Krishna also says that all spiritual practices should be initiated with Om (verse 17.24):
‘Before starting sacrifices, holy practices and austerities (as prescribed by the scriptures), serious spiritual seekers should chant Om.’
How to do AUM chanting
Aum is a universal mantra for all people and one not need the initiation of a master or guru to reap it’s endless benefits. Sit comfortably either in Padmasana or Artha Siddhasana or Sukhasana. Place your hands upon your thighs, and palm’s facing upwards. Hold Yoga Mudra in both hands and eyes should be closed. Inhale slowly through your nose, once your lungs is full exhale from your mouth by pronouncing AUM until your full breath come out from the lungs. All three word chanting should be approximately equal in time. While chanting Aaaaaa focus vibration one inch below your navel. It is the Manipura Chakra, one of the seven chakra in human body. When you chant Uuuuuu focus vibration in chest area. It is the Anahata Chakra. After that close you mouth and chant Mmmmmm. When chanting focus vibration in your throat and nose. Similarly continue deep inhalation by nose and exhalation through mouth with chanting AUM. For better health benefit this chanting to be done 15 minutes in morning and 15 minutes in evening.
Science and OM
Scientists and yogis agree that at the molecular level, our bodies are systems of vibrating atomic partials. Each part of the body, each cell, gland and organ resonates with a frequency. We could say that we are composed of sound vibrations. Even the difference between solids, liquids, gases, sound and light are merely a difference in their vibratory rates.The body as a system vibrates at a rate of approximately 7.8 - 8 cycles (Hertz) a second when it is relaxed and calm. The Alpha waves, which correspond to a state of relaxation, are also in the 8 cycles per second range. The Earth itself vibrates at the same vibrational frequency of 8 cycles per second. When we practice OM Healing, we feel that every thing has the same vibration and we can truly experience the unity of life.
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